Kolding The 5th Kolding Conference
will take place this year in the capital of Finland: Helsinki. As you might notice from the logo of the conference it says "Helsingfors" - which is "Helsinki" in Swedish. "Why this complication? Why not in Finnish?" , I hear some of You ask. The answer is simply that the conference will take place in "Svenska normallyceum", "Norsen" for short, which is a Swedish-language school, catering for the needs of a part of the minority of Swedish-speakers in the Helsinki area.

The conference will take place from Monday the 18th to Friday the 22nd November. The theme will be "Crosscultural Communication". For those of us who are part of a minority in a country, or who have been in contact with other cultures, know the importance of communication across cultural barriers. What better place to start than to give the young ones an opportunity to get to know each other and work together!

Our summerholidays start on the 1st of June and the autumn-term begins on the 14th of August.

We look forward to seeing you in November!